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Quick, unbiased view of the economy...

"Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."        — Sherlock Holmes, A Scandal in Bohemia
September 2024
Sep 2024 450
August 2024
Aug 24 450
July 2024
Jul 2024 450
June 2024
Jun 2024 450
May 2024
May 2024 450
April 2024
Apr 2024 450
March 2024
Mar 2024 450
February 2024
Feb 2024 450
January 2024
Jan 2024 450
December 2023
Dec 2023 450
November 2023
Nov 2023 450
October 2023
Oct 2023 450
September 2023
Sep 2023 450
August 2023
Aug 2023 450
July 2023
July 2023 450
June 2023
Jun 2023 450
May 2023
May 2023 450
April 2023
Apr 2023 450
March 2023
Mar 2023 450
February 2023
Feb 2023 450
January 2023
Jan 2023 450
December 2022
Dec 2022 450
November 2022
Nov 2022 450
October 2022
Oct 2022 2022
September 2022
Sep 2022 450
August 2022
Aug 2022 450
July 2022
Jul 2022 450
June 2022
Jun 2022 450
May 2022
May 2022 450
April 2022
Apr 2022 450
March 2022
Mar 2022 450
February 2022
Feb 2022 450
January 2022
Jan 2022 450
December 2021
Dec 2021 450
November 2021
Nov 2021 450
October 2021
Oct 2021 450
September 2021
Sep 2021 450
August 2021
Aug 2021 450
July 2021
Jul 2021 450
June 2021
Jun 2021 450a
May 2021
May 2021 450
April 2021
Apr 2021 450
March 2021
Mar 2021 450
February 2021
Mar 2021 450
January 2021
Jan 2021 450
November 2020
Nov 2020 450
October 2020
Oct 2020 450
September 2020
Sep 2020 450
August 2020
Aug 2020 450
July 2020
Jul 2020 450
June 2020
Jun End 2020
May 2020
May 2020 450
April 2020
Apr 2020 450
March 2020
Mar 2020 450
February 2020
Feb 2020 450
January 2020
Jan 2020 450
December 2019
Dec 2019 450
November 2019
Nov 2019 450
October 2019
Oct 2019 450
September 2019
Sep 2019 450
August 2019
Aug 2019 450
July 2019
Note: July 2019 and future tables include adjustments to corporate
profits made by the Bureau of Economic Analysis

End Jul 2019 Revised BEA 450
June 2019
End Jun 2019 450
May 2019
May End 2019 a 450
April 2019
Apr End 2019 450 
March 2019
Hist Mar End 2019
February 2019
Hist End Feb Percent MoC Above Baseline
January 2019
Hist End Jan Percent MoC Above Baseline
December 2018
Hist End Dec MoC Percent from Baseline
October 2018
Hist Final Oct 2018
 July 2018
July 2018
 April 2018
April 2018

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