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"Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts."        — Sherlock Holmes, A Scandal in Bohemia
Business Cycles

Using the mean of coordinates (MoC), the 1991 - 2001, 2001 - 2007, 2008 - 2020, and current business cycles have been plotted. Business cycles are officially determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Because there are limited economic measures for the 1991 - 2001 business cycle, only six-month MoC averages are shown. The MoC is the average of all the economic indicators for a particular period. The MoC signals the general health of the economy.
(Note: The "full" yield curve inversion event shown on the 1991 - 2001 and 2001 - 2007 grids is when the inversion continued for 30 days or more.)

The most recent BaR Analysis Grid© can also be seen on the home page(Thanks to Jim Cuppy for suggesting that the business cycle be displayed in this manner.)
  • 2024_30_Month_2024_3Q_Jul.png
  • 2020_30_Month_2020_1Q_Final.png
  • 2020_6_Month_2020_2Q_Final.png
  • 2007-30-Month-2019-3.png
  • 2007-6-Month-2019-3.png
  • 2001-6-Month-2019-3.png

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